Can Monatomic Elements Complement Your MIND Diet Plan?

mind diet plan

Are you working to improve and sustain your mind as you age? Certain Monatomic supplements may contribute to this, as can a new nutritional trend called the MIND Diet. “MIND” stands for Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay, and the big focus is on how nutrition affects the brain. Where do Monatomic elements fit into this regimen, and how can they complement your MIND Diet plan?


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Who Was Buckminster Fuller And What Does He Have To Do With Carbon60?

The element carbon has been widely studied because of how essential it is to all life forms. Based on the way carbon molecules link together, minuscule carbon forms can take on many different shapes. One of them is called the buckyball, though you probably know it as Carbon60. 

Carbon60 is a molecule made of carbon that is also called Buckminsterfullerene or fullerene, after a man named Buckminster Fuller. Who was he, and why do some people refer to C60 after his name?


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How To Integrate Monatomic Elements Into Your Spring Health Cleanse

Many people use the springtime to start a health cleanse. It’s a season that brings a renewed energy, and many people see it as an opportunity for growth and change – especially for our health! 

A holistic spring cleanse can help people balance their hormones, revitalize their energy flow, release accumulated toxins, and get their metabolism in the best condition for the warmer months. Monatomic elements can help you with this spring cleanse – here’s how!

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How Are Gold Elements Used To Repair Damaged Nerves?

Many people turn to Monatomic Gold for how it conducts and helps energy move through their cells. Gold is well-known as a highly conductive material, and many researchers are investigating its potential in promoting nerve repair. 

To this end, many studies have looked into the effects of particles called gold nanocrystals – and the results are very encouraging!

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What Is A Vibrational Assist And How Does Monatomic Help?

All living beings have an energy field that surrounds them that reverberates at specific frequencies; this is called an aura. The aura comes from the vibrations put off by our cells, but when the cells can’t vibrate at the same frequency, your energy field can be blocked or thrown off.

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What Are The Top 5 Benefits Of Detoxing The Body

A detox is a way of eliminating toxins from your body. “Toxins” are any unnatural chemicals, processed ingredients, pollutants, and heavy metals, all of which can negatively impact health over time. Detoxes take many forms, but they have one thing in common: eliminating bad habits, improving and sustaining good ones, and replenishing the body with healthy foods and supplements.

The supplements to include in your detox are vitamins, minerals, Monatomic elements, teas, and probiotics, all of which are believed to have detoxing properties. Here are the top five benefits of detoxing your body!

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Five Steps To A More Peaceful Existence

A peaceful existence should be everyone’s objective, but it’s easy to forget about this goal among our daily challenges. While reaching this goal takes dedication and action, our five steps to a more peaceful existence are rewarding – and even fun – in and of themselves! Do them as part of your routine and you’ll find your life feeling much more peaceful, and your interactions with the world easier to manage.

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Where Is The Earth’s Magnetic Field At Its Strongest?

Where Is The Earth's Magnetic Field At Its Strongest?

Magnetism is one of the most important unseen forces in our lives, and the activity of the Earth’s magnetic field correlates with many emotional and psychological states. This field is in a constant state of flux, though, and it weakens and strengthens at different points around the world. 


There is a complex relationship between monatomic elements and the Earth’s magnetic field. After going through the alchemical process, elements take on a magnetic field of their own; despite this, the large magnetic field that surrounds our planet impacts how they work in our bodies!

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What Monatomic Element Reduces Stress The Most?

The effects of stress on the body are well known, but many people don’t understand them until experiencing them first-hand. Sleepless nights, losses of appetite, and high blood pressure are all common effects. 

On top of these, stress makes other mental health issues worse: anxiety, panic, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and phobias are all more serious in times of serious pressure. If you’re feeling the strain of stress, what Monatomic supplements do the best work?

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How Do Monatomic Elements Reinforce Your Immune System?

This time of year (especially this year), people are often looking to supplement their diets to enhance their immunity. These supplements must give your body a helping hand at the tiniest level possible to make it through the cold and flu season healthy and well.

Your body’s immune system can get a much-needed boost by taking monatomic elements. They have been known to work by enhancing cells and stimulating the creation of these cells to strengthen your body’s ability to resist foreign agents.

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