What Monatomic Element Reduces Stress The Most?

The effects of stress on the body are well known, but many people don’t understand them until experiencing them first-hand. Sleepless nights, losses of appetite, and high blood pressure are all common effects

On top of these, stress makes other mental health issues worse: anxiety, panic, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and phobias are all more serious in times of serious pressure. If you’re feeling the strain of stress, what Monatomic supplements do the best work?

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Achieving Human Ascension


Our lives are full of earthly difficulties and suffering. The minds we are born with seem replete with problems – anxiety, troubled thoughts, stress, and a seeming inability to sustain happy thoughts. It seems nothing can relieve that feeling.


This line of thinking is incredibly false, and a negative byproduct of our unenlightened mind! The body and the universe around us have the energies capable of moving to a higher plane. This involves activating inner tools and energies. If you unlock these, human ascension is within your grasp. It’s within you. Continue reading…