What Is A Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual awakening

What is a spiritual awakening? This is a question that many people ask themselves, and it can be difficult to define. A spiritual awakening can be described as a moment when you become aware of your connection to the divine, and experience a deep sense of peace and understanding. It can be a life-changing event that leads you on a new path of self-discovery. If you are interested in learning more about spiritual awakenings, keep reading! In this post, we will discuss what they are, and some of the signs that may indicate that you are experiencing one. Continue reading…

Chair Yoga: What Is It and Why Should You Do It?

Chair yoga


Do you feel like you don’t have enough time to work out? Are you looking for a way to get some exercise that doesn’t require a lot of space or equipment? If so, then chair yoga may be the perfect solution for you! Chair yoga is a type of yoga that can be done while sitting in a chair. It is a great way to get some exercise and relaxation, and you don’t need any special equipment or clothing. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of chair yoga and give you some tips on how to get started.

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8 Tips For Better Sleep


Are you waking up groggy? Do you toss and turn in the night, unable to get a good eight hours of sleep? Is it hard to fall asleep in the first place? Sleep problems can take many forms, but all of them can affect your health and well-being. Sleep is essential for many reasons: it helps our memory, clears toxins out of the brain, and keeps our bodies healthy. 

If you’re suffering from rest issues, you may need to change your daily patterns. Here are eight tips you can use to get a better night’s sleep!

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What Is A Three-Part Breath?

A three-part breath is a form of breathing that comes to us from yoga. It’s a way of uniting the breath, body, and mind to help us forget the past and future and keep us in the present moment and ground our bodies.

Of all the yoga breathing techniques, the three-part breath is one of the easiest to do, yet it is also the most helpful. Beginners, advanced practitioners, and even those who have never touched a yoga mat can benefit from this technique!

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The Fireweed Learning Community – Professional Self Healing


“I believe in the richness of life, that beauty is everywhere, and that laughter is life’s sweetest creation. This belief aids me day to day in being harmonious, happy, and loving. I seek knowledge and experiences which I share with passion.” – Christine

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Yoga for the Brain

The mind and body work in tandem and are equally crucial. Each day our mind and body require basic necessities to be met in order to perform our daily tasks. These daily tasks become overwhelming for everybody at some point, but there are methods of stress relief to help our mind and body relax, making these daily tasks even more do-able.  It is crucial to stay both physically and mentally healthy.  Our brain plays the primary role in controlling our ability to respond, comprehend, recognize and function.  Our brain requires exercise, rest, and relaxation- just like our how physical body exercises and recovers. There are many methods to heal the body and mind. Yoga and meditation are two of the most effective and popular methods, enjoyed by people across the globe. Continue reading…

The Effects of Stress


Stress is a major problem in our modern society. The way we’ve structured our lives, from work to play, leads to a lot of anxiety, mental conditions, and unhealthy habits. It can overwhelm us completely, making even little things seem like insurmountable challenges.


It’s not just a mental problem – it’s a whole body problem. Here are some of the way stress can affect you, and how you can fight back against stress before it takes over your life!


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5 Ways To Quiet Your Mind

Quiet Your Mind

It’s a problem most people encounter at least once a week; they can’t sleep as thoughts rattle around in their brains, most of them negative. Our minds love being consumed by unhappy thoughts and memories, and these can especially come around just as we’re settling down to rest.


A mind that’s constantly busy can lead to a lot of ill effects in the rest of the body – not just a lack of proper sleep, but higher levels of stress, poor memory, loss of focus, and ways of coping that involve poor diets and bad habits. There are, however, ways you can quiet your mind and regain that focus, relaxation, and live your normal life.


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