Where Is The Earth’s Magnetic Field At Its Strongest?

Where Is The Earth's Magnetic Field At Its Strongest?

Magnetism is one of the most important unseen forces in our lives, and the activity of the Earth’s magnetic field correlates with many emotional and psychological states. This field is in a constant state of flux, though, and it weakens and strengthens at different points around the world. 


There is a complex relationship between monatomic elements and the Earth’s magnetic field. After going through the alchemical process, elements take on a magnetic field of their own; despite this, the large magnetic field that surrounds our planet impacts how they work in our bodies!

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How Do Monatomic Elements Reinforce Your Immune System?

This time of year (especially this year), people are often looking to supplement their diets to enhance their immunity. These supplements must give your body a helping hand at the tiniest level possible to make it through the cold and flu season healthy and well.

Your body’s immune system can get a much-needed boost by taking monatomic elements. They have been known to work by enhancing cells and stimulating the creation of these cells to strengthen your body’s ability to resist foreign agents.

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Why Are Monatomics Sometimes Referred To As Starfire?

Throughout history, monatomic elements and their closest approximations have gone through many different names: manna, White Gold, the Philosopher’s Stone, etc. “Monatomic” is a name we can give it because we now know how elements are constructed, but another ancient name has stuck for these elements, particularly Monatomic Gold: Starfire. 

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Five Steps To Ascension

A common goal for yoga and meditation practitioners is something called ascension. Ascension is stepping into a higher consciousness and accepting this new state of mind, body, and spirit. Though not everyone’s journey to ascension is the same, there are five common steps that come with raising your consciousness.

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Did Ancient Societies Use Monatomic Metals?

ancient metals, ancient monatomics

Knowing what the ancients discovered about elements is difficult. We can decipher ancient texts, but only a fraction of what they truly knew made it to the present day. Most of what they knew wasn’t transcribed, and what was set in papyrus, stone tablets, or manuscripts either crumbled with age or was intentionally destroyed.

But we have bits and pieces that give us a look into the mind and methodology of the ancient scientists. We can trace alchemy a long, long way back, and we can see that monatomics were very important to religious and medical traditions around the world. They probably even used them in important ceremonial rites!

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What Is The Keto Diet

Ketogenic dieting isn’t the newest dieting trend, but it has stuck around longer than most. Why? Because it works! Simply put, the keto diet is low in carbs, high in fat, and moderate in protein to put your body through a state known as “ketosis”. Studies have proven that ketosis a healthy way to lose weight and regain control of your health, in an all-natural way!

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Five Tips For Beating The Winter Blues

With a lack of sun, warmth, and fresh air, many people find themselves feeling depressed in the winter months. Beating the winter blues means overcoming some obstacles, mental health and weather-wise, but it can be done. From exercise to yoga to monatomics, follow these five tips to make sure you enter spring feeling great.

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Chakras Explained

Chakras Monatomic

Chakras Explained

In the human body, there is believed to be 7 Chakras. The 7 Chakras run along the spine but they are not physically seen with our eyes. Chakras are a part of our energy force and our energy force is what powers us. For example, our energy force is basically what powers us to have life. The electrical pulses throughout our body and our brain are all connected. Here is a list of all Chakras explained and the most realistic way to interpret Chakras.

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Smudging? How does it work?

Smudging Feather Burning sage

Smudging? How does it work?

Smudging is a sacred tradition throughout many cultures that is used to drive away negative energy and cleanses your surroundings.  This practice is commonly used to even just “clean” the air as far as the scientific background goes. Smudging is best used for restoring balance to an individual, group or space.

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Colloidal Gold vs. Monatomic Gold


Gold has been valuable to humans since the dawn of civilization, and because we think of it (and most other things) in terms of prestige and monetary value, most of us have forgotten it value to our physical and spiritual health and well-being. The alchemists of Egypt knew of its power, and now, so do the alchemists of today.


We have access to two products that have broken gold down to elements, letting your body utilize it: Monatomic Gold and Colloidal Gold. But which one is better for you?  


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