Can Monatomic Elements Enhance Your Reiki Routine?


All humans have energy fields or life forces that keep us alive. Both reiki, a Japanese form of energy healing therapy, and monatomic elements acknowledge this and work on the body in ways that manage symptoms and improve overall well-being. They might also help stimulate the body’s natural healing energies. But can elements like Monatomic Gold enhance reiki routines?


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Can Monatomic Elements Complement Your MIND Diet Plan?

mind diet plan

Are you working to improve and sustain your mind as you age? Certain Monatomic supplements may contribute to this, as can a new nutritional trend called the MIND Diet. “MIND” stands for Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay, and the big focus is on how nutrition affects the brain. Where do Monatomic elements fit into this regimen, and how can they complement your MIND Diet plan?


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Who Was Buckminster Fuller And What Does He Have To Do With Carbon60?

The element carbon has been widely studied because of how essential it is to all life forms. Based on the way carbon molecules link together, minuscule carbon forms can take on many different shapes. One of them is called the buckyball, though you probably know it as Carbon60. 

Carbon60 is a molecule made of carbon that is also called Buckminsterfullerene or fullerene, after a man named Buckminster Fuller. Who was he, and why do some people refer to C60 after his name?


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What Is The Baati Study And How Does It Relate To Carbon 60?

While getting a lot of press right now, fullerene or Carbon 60 (C60) has been on the radar of researchers since the early 1990s. The studies conducted have shown that C60 has a lot of potential in biology and medicine. Its antioxidant properties are hailed as extraordinary, and the most compelling evidence comes from something called the Baati Rat Study. How does it relate to C60?

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How To Integrate Monatomic Elements Into Your Spring Health Cleanse

Many people use the springtime to start a health cleanse. It’s a season that brings a renewed energy, and many people see it as an opportunity for growth and change – especially for our health! 

A holistic spring cleanse can help people balance their hormones, revitalize their energy flow, release accumulated toxins, and get their metabolism in the best condition for the warmer months. Monatomic elements can help you with this spring cleanse – here’s how!

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5 Benefits Of Carbon 60

Carbon 60 or C60 is a marvel of natural engineering. Smaller than a nanometer, this molecule consists of 60 carbon atoms (hence the name) arranged in a hollow cage of 20 hexagons and 12 pentagons. It’s often referred to as Buckminsterfullerene or a Buckyball, as it resembles a structure described by the American architect Buckminster Fuller, which had the shape of a soccer ball.

Research suggests that there are many antioxidants and neuroprotective benefits in taking Carbon 60: reducing the effects of ageing, reducing inflammation, eliminating free radicals, improving immune function, and even prolonging life!

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How Are Gold Elements Used To Repair Damaged Nerves?

Many people turn to Monatomic Gold for how it conducts and helps energy move through their cells. Gold is well-known as a highly conductive material, and many researchers are investigating its potential in promoting nerve repair. 

To this end, many studies have looked into the effects of particles called gold nanocrystals – and the results are very encouraging!

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How Doctors Are Using the Power of Gold to Fight Cancer

Scientists are finding out the power of the elements in ways alchemists have been talking about for centuries. The power of gold – specifically its light absorption abilities, what makes it such a powerful monatomic supplement – is now being used in experimental cancer treatments. Research has been very encouraging!

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What Is A Vibrational Assist And How Does Monatomic Help?

All living beings have an energy field that surrounds them that reverberates at specific frequencies; this is called an aura. The aura comes from the vibrations put off by our cells, but when the cells can’t vibrate at the same frequency, your energy field can be blocked or thrown off.

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Using Monatomic To Support Your New Year’s Diet & Fitness Goals

Fitness Goals

Have you made any fitness resolutions or health goals for this year? The New Year brings many new opportunities, so don’t let your 2021 goals fall by the wayside. Everyone could use a boost when trying to achieve the goals they’ve set for themselves, and Monatomic Elements are the right support!

Here are the ways Monatomic elements can support your fitness and dietary goals – as well as how the mental effects can have a positive influence on them. What we describe below are the effects Monatomic Elements have that are identical to every user. However, the individual can experience these effects subjectively – how aware you are, your physical and spiritual states, etc.

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What Is The Best Way To Take C60?


Carbon 60, or C60, is a molecule made up of sixty carbon atoms in a spherical shape only 1.1 nanometers in diameter. This configuration of carbon atoms gives them unique health properties, and C60 is a powerful antioxidant. However, the preparation in which you find C60 is important for helping the body use these molecules. What is the best way to take this special supplement?

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