How To Set Realistic New Year’s Resolutions


“Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.”

That’s how the classic inspirational quote goes, but failure to reach our goals is an undeniably sad thing. Planning for the future during uncertain times while trying to avoid Seasonal Affective Disorder is challenging, but when it comes to setting realistic new year’s resolutions for yourself, there are ways to stay motivated before, during, and after achieving what we set out to accomplish. Here are 4 truths to keep in mind if you’re feeling stuck on how to set realistic goals.

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What Is The Connection Between David Hudson And Monatomic Gold?


A name you’ll read quite often when doing research on Monatomic Gold is “David Hudson.” Who is he, and what connection does he have with Monatomic Gold?

To answer these questions, we must look at the history of Monatomic Gold. Even if it didn’t always go by that name, it has been a constant presence throughout the history of science, religion, and art. 

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Three Breath Techniques To Help You Through The Holiday Season


It might be the most wonderful time of the year, but the holidays can also be stressful. You might find all the good cheer easily takes a turn for the worse, and before you know it, you might be overwhelmed.

The tension can increase because of breathing – when we’re anxious, we often take rapid, shallow breaths directly from the chest. If you need help getting through the holiday season, try using one of these three breathing techniques!

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The 5 Top Trends In Natural Healing For 2021


2021 has seen many people rethink their health and wellness. As they become more attuned to their needs, they’ve turned to the healing power of nature and the surrounding energies to reach their goals.  

Here are the top five trends we’ve seen in natural healing over the past year, all of which will have you reconsidering how you see your health, your free time, and even the food on your plate!

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How To Balance Your Chakras


Our body, mind, soul and spirit are deeply connected, and much of this connection forms via the chakras. When the body is in balance, all energy flows freely through the chakras, the main energy centres of the body. When there’s an imbalance, though, you can feel it, and it could disrupt your thoughts, feelings, and ability to focus.

If you feel your chakras are out of balance, how can you realign them and maintain their strength? Here are some of the best ways.

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Who Was David Hudson?

David Hudson

David Radius Hudson is the pioneer of modern alchemy, the man who brought us monatomic elements. He connected a major discovery to the alchemists of history, and in doing so, brought many millennia’s worth of science to a present-day conclusion!

In 1975, Mr. Hudson discovered on his property something that would not just change the way we relate to gold but how we relate to all metallic elements. 

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What Is Tree Bathing?

Tree bathing


Do you believe you may have “nature deficit disorder”? You’re probably not alone! Moving from homes to cars to an office building or store and back again, as well as addictions to our many screens, mean most of us – children and adults alike – are not spending enough time in nature. One way to correct that is through tree bathing.

Tree bathing is “soaking” in the calming influence of trees and nature in general. It is not exercising, hiking, or jogging in a wooded area; rather, it is being in nature, connecting to it through our senses. It can have many physical, mental, and spiritual benefits, too! But how do you do tree bathing properly?

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8 Tips For Better Sleep


Are you waking up groggy? Do you toss and turn in the night, unable to get a good eight hours of sleep? Is it hard to fall asleep in the first place? Sleep problems can take many forms, but all of them can affect your health and well-being. Sleep is essential for many reasons: it helps our memory, clears toxins out of the brain, and keeps our bodies healthy. 

If you’re suffering from rest issues, you may need to change your daily patterns. Here are eight tips you can use to get a better night’s sleep!

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5 Benefits of Monatomic Copper

Monatomic Copper

Our diets should provide us with enough copper for bodily functions, but these days, many people don’t get what we need from the food we eat. One way is through supplements, and one of these with many reported benefits is Monatomic Copper.

Monatomic Copper is reputed to enhance the body’s use of this element, creating increased feelings of well-being and helping the body do what it’s supposed to do. Here are five of these reported benefits!

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