What Are The Three Stages Of Biofeedback Training?

Biofeedback training is a holistic mind-body therapy that helps us understand how thoughts, feelings, and behaviors impact our physical bodies. By measuring many body responses, including heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, brain waves, skin temperature, and muscle tension, people can learn how their physiological activity changes in the face of certain stressors. They can learn what to do to improve their health and emotional well-being.

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Why Are Monatomics Sometimes Referred To As Starfire?

Throughout history, monatomic elements and their closest approximations have gone through many different names: manna, White Gold, the Philosopher’s Stone, etc. “Monatomic” is a name we can give it because we now know how elements are constructed, but another ancient name has stuck for these elements, particularly Monatomic Gold: Starfire. 

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Five Steps To Ascension

A common goal for yoga and meditation practitioners is something called ascension. Ascension is stepping into a higher consciousness and accepting this new state of mind, body, and spirit. Though not everyone’s journey to ascension is the same, there are five common steps that come with raising your consciousness.

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What Is The Difference Between Colloidal and Monatomic Gold?

colloidal and monatomic gold, colloidal gold, monatomic gold

Gold has long been sought after in the alchemical sciences, and turning lead into gold was one of the major goals of alchemists throughout history. We know more about the ancient scientists and their uses of monatomics, and their associations of gold with status and prestige might hint at something more, but it’s hard to say they knew the real story behind what gold can achieve in the body.

There are two major types of gold reduced to its molecular state: colloidal gold and monatomic gold. While they sound the same, these two types of gold are reduced to their elemental states in different ways, and thus they have different impacts on your health and spiritual well-being!

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5 Ways To Keep Your Mind Refreshed

Our brains are constantly changing, whether it’s chemical or structural. Our brains tend to change when we go through an experience. The experience can be as simple as driving to the gas station or as complicated as losing a loved one. The brain changes whether it goes through daily experience or trauma. People tend to say age can play a factor in keeping your brain refreshed but at the end of the day, no matter how old you are, every brain is so unique and wired differently. It’s your job to keep your brain refreshed!

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What Is The Keto Diet

Ketogenic dieting isn’t the newest dieting trend, but it has stuck around longer than most. Why? Because it works! Simply put, the keto diet is low in carbs, high in fat, and moderate in protein to put your body through a state known as “ketosis”. Studies have proven that ketosis a healthy way to lose weight and regain control of your health, in an all-natural way!

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Smudging? How does it work?

Smudging Feather Burning sage

Smudging? How does it work?

Smudging is a sacred tradition throughout many cultures that is used to drive away negative energy and cleanses your surroundings.  This practice is commonly used to even just “clean” the air as far as the scientific background goes. Smudging is best used for restoring balance to an individual, group or space.

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6 Ways to Safely Detox Your Body

detox water being poured in a glass

Detoxing: From diets to procedures to other unknown ways to detox your body, detoxing is known to have negative and positive outcomes. When detoxing is done correctly to your body, it can result in a healthy and clean effect on your body. The negative side is when it is not done properly, this can sometimes hurt your body. Our bodies are designed to detox naturally but sometimes we need some extra help considering all the new toxins in our world today.

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Maintaining Health and Wellness in 2018

women doing Yoga in the sun rise

A new year brings a lot of wild resolutions, and if you’re like 99% of the rest of humanity, you’ve probably broken every one you’ve tried to make. It might be because you’re making the wrong resolutions: you can achieve something extraordinary if the goals you set are attainable, realistic, and help your whole body. Try and picture not just the next year, but your entire life; putting things in a bigger perspective can really motivate you, but also let you approach your goals realistically.

So don’t be afraid of changing yourself! If you’re the kind of soul who takes time with their self-improvement, here are some great ways to change your lifestyle and become a more wholesome person.

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Seasonal Affective Disorder: How to Cope and Prevent It

perosn crying while leaning against a wall

As we move from summer to winter, the days get shorter. The cold weather forces us indoors, preventing us from getting fresh air and exercise. This change in routine and the amount of sunlight we’re exposed to can negatively impact our mood, and it’s commonly known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).


Despite it being most prevalent in juveniles, anyone can be affected by SAD, regardless of age or gender. But anyone affected by SAD can help overcome it using natural, holistic approaches. If one enters the early nights and colder temperatures prepared, they might even be able to prevent it! Continue reading…

Psychology of Me


Our mind may hold all we know but there are many mysteries to the brain that have stumped scientists and psychologists for years.  The modern human brain today is the 3-pound central organ of the nervous system. In contrast, in 2,000,000 B.C.E. the human brain weighed only 1-pound. Evolution has created many miracles for human intelligence, in fact, our brain is going through mentally evolutionary processes all the time, even when we don’t know it!psychology Continue reading…