Can You Take Colloidal Gold Supplements?

If you’ve heard of colloidal silver, you might have wondered if other elements could make up a similar kind of solution. You’re not wrong, because a colloidal is a liquid with particles suspended in it. Other elements can make up beneficial colloidal solutions, and this includes gold supplements.

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What Is The Difference Between Colloidal and Monatomic Gold?

colloidal and monatomic gold, colloidal gold, monatomic gold

Gold has long been sought after in the alchemical sciences, and turning lead into gold was one of the major goals of alchemists throughout history. We know more about the ancient scientists and their uses of monatomics, and their associations of gold with status and prestige might hint at something more, but it’s hard to say they knew the real story behind what gold can achieve in the body.

There are two major types of gold reduced to its molecular state: colloidal gold and monatomic gold. While they sound the same, these two types of gold are reduced to their elemental states in different ways, and thus they have different impacts on your health and spiritual well-being!

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Colloidal Gold vs. Monatomic Gold


Gold has been valuable to humans since the dawn of civilization, and because we think of it (and most other things) in terms of prestige and monetary value, most of us have forgotten it value to our physical and spiritual health and well-being. The alchemists of Egypt knew of its power, and now, so do the alchemists of today.


We have access to two products that have broken gold down to elements, letting your body utilize it: Monatomic Gold and Colloidal Gold. But which one is better for you?  


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