What to Expect From Using Monatomics

monatomic orme your first six months

The effects of ORMEs, orbitally rearranged monatomic elements (also known as monatomic elements) are mostly unknown to society. This makes it difficult for the new user to know what they can expect going into a new monatomic supplement regimen, but the effects are well documented.

How they impact your body can vary, but there’s a similarity of experience that cannot be ignored. If you’re planning on taking monatomics like Monatomic Gold every day, here’s what you can expect from the first six months.

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Maintaining Health and Wellness in 2018

women doing Yoga in the sun rise

A new year brings a lot of wild resolutions, and if you’re like 99% of the rest of humanity, you’ve probably broken every one you’ve tried to make. It might be because you’re making the wrong resolutions: you can achieve something extraordinary if the goals you set are attainable, realistic, and help your whole body. Try and picture not just the next year, but your entire life; putting things in a bigger perspective can really motivate you, but also let you approach your goals realistically.

So don’t be afraid of changing yourself! If you’re the kind of soul who takes time with their self-improvement, here are some great ways to change your lifestyle and become a more wholesome person.

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What is Transcendental Meditation?

Transcendental Meditation

Transcendental Meditation is one of the most popular types of meditation, and is known for its effective nature.  It only takes 20 minutes a couple times out of your day to clear your mind and become psychologically healthier.  It’s practiced by at least 5 million people, including Ellen Degeneres, Hugh Jackman and many other famous people! It has also been discussed on TV shows (Good Morning America) and with many philosophers, physicists, and other positions.


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The Effects of Stress


Stress is a major problem in our modern society. The way we’ve structured our lives, from work to play, leads to a lot of anxiety, mental conditions, and unhealthy habits. It can overwhelm us completely, making even little things seem like insurmountable challenges.


It’s not just a mental problem – it’s a whole body problem. Here are some of the way stress can affect you, and how you can fight back against stress before it takes over your life!


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5 Ways To Quiet Your Mind

Quiet Your Mind

It’s a problem most people encounter at least once a week; they can’t sleep as thoughts rattle around in their brains, most of them negative. Our minds love being consumed by unhappy thoughts and memories, and these can especially come around just as we’re settling down to rest.


A mind that’s constantly busy can lead to a lot of ill effects in the rest of the body – not just a lack of proper sleep, but higher levels of stress, poor memory, loss of focus, and ways of coping that involve poor diets and bad habits. There are, however, ways you can quiet your mind and regain that focus, relaxation, and live your normal life.


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This is How Sound Affects Your Brain

How sound affects our brain

How does sound affect our brain?   Sound and music actually changes our brain waves; This all traces back to how we feel when we listen to certain genres of music or hear certain noises.  Brains may be a confusing thing to understand but it is actually quite interesting. Every brain is made up of billions of brain cells called neurons.  Neurons use electricity to communicate from one to another, just like the rest of the communication that happens in our body.  Continue reading…

Astral Travel vs. Lucid Dreaming

Lucid Dreaming
You are born to fly, and in dreams, you remember the soul has wings. - Robert Moss Click To Tweet

What is the difference between astral travel and lucid dreaming? You interact in both but they are very, very different. Lucid dreaming is when you become more aware once your consciousness has already moved into the dreaming body. Astral traveling is when you consciously enter your dreaming body, which is also called your astral body or astral aura. So what’s the difference? Continue reading…

The Art of Meditation

As a long standing method of clearing your mind, and opening your chakras, the art of meditation is a relatively easy method of self-help.   It’s because it’s such a healthy activity that we thought we’d sit down and help you with the in’s and out’s of meditation. Let’s begin.Prayer is when you talk to God. Meditation is when God talks to you. Click To Tweet Continue reading…