Exploring the Science Behind Sound Healing

In today’s fast-paced world, the quest for holistic wellness solutions has led many to rediscover ancient practices. One such practice gaining significant attention is sound healing. But what exactly is sound healing, and how can it contribute to our overall well-being? This post delves into the science behind sound healing, its historical roots, and the myriad of benefits it offers to both physical and mental health.

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This is How Sound Affects Your Brain

How sound affects our brain

How does sound affect our brain?   Sound and music actually changes our brain waves; This all traces back to how we feel when we listen to certain genres of music or hear certain noises.  Brains may be a confusing thing to understand but it is actually quite interesting. Every brain is made up of billions of brain cells called neurons.  Neurons use electricity to communicate from one to another, just like the rest of the communication that happens in our body.  Continue reading…