5 Ways To Quiet Your Mind

Quiet Your Mind

It’s a problem most people encounter at least once a week; they can’t sleep as thoughts rattle around in their brains, most of them negative. Our minds love being consumed by unhappy thoughts and memories, and these can especially come around just as we’re settling down to rest.


A mind that’s constantly busy can lead to a lot of ill effects in the rest of the body – not just a lack of proper sleep, but higher levels of stress, poor memory, loss of focus, and ways of coping that involve poor diets and bad habits. There are, however, ways you can quiet your mind and regain that focus, relaxation, and live your normal life.


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The Seat of the Soul

The Seat of the Soul

Some researchers call this gland the “principal seat of the soul” and some researchers call it just another part of your brain but what is it really?  The truth is that the pineal gland is located in your brain but is actually not a part of your brain.  The pineal gland is the “crown” chakra and is located in the center of the brain, the brain is more of an outer shell to this very special gland.  This gland also shockingly resembles the well-known “Eye of Horus”. Continue reading…

How To Naturally Strengthen Your ESP

ESP blog

Everyone has his or her own psychic gifts. Some feel they are sensitive to the forces around them, and are especially attuned to the auras, powers, and emotions of other people. Maybe you’ve felt the stress and troubles of a loved one, despite them being across the country.


If this describes you, it’s very possible you have extrasensory perception (ESP). This is an overarching term that includes everything from intuition clairvoyance to actual precognition. It has been known to help predict events, discover past lives, and even solve police cases. ESP can be nurtured and strengthened, but it does require work! Continue reading…

Synchronicities – Does Everything Happen for a Reason?

Monatomic orme
When the person is ready to heal, the doctor will appear. Share on X

Have you ever experienced events that happened at similar times or appear related but have no visible connection to each other?  If so, you may have experienced a synchronicity.  The definition of synchronicity is the occurrence of events that happen at a similar time or appear significantly related but have no visible causal connection.  Which basically means that everything happens for a reason and one thing always leads to another. Continue reading…

What is the Third Eye?

monatomic orme

How many eyes do you have? If your answer to this question is “two”, let me tell you that you are incorrect. Yes, you read it right! We, humans, actually have 3 eyes, with the third eye being the potent source of knowledge we have.

The third eye (also called the inner eye) is an esoteric and mystical concept referring to a notional invisible eye which offers insight beyond ordinary vision.

Close both eyes to see with the other eye. Share on X Continue reading…

The Ultimate Natural Health Cheat Sheet

natural health cheat sheet
Health is like money. We never have a true idea of its value until we lose it. Share on X

With so many options regarding your health and how to be healthy, it can be hard to decide which path you want to take. As a result, many turn to natural healing as they’d prefer to not use chemicals and other man-made medicines and methods. After some consideration, we’ve drawn up a natural health cheat sheet listing what practices that we feel could assist you in your journey to natural health, in hopes of providing you with a good starting point at the very least. Continue reading…

The Power of Positive Thinking!

You can't live a positive life with a negative mind. Share on X

In this age, so full of fear, anger and hate, it’s hard to see the positives in the current situations at hand; but it’s because of this lack of positive thought that things have gone downhill. “What you think about you bring about.” With so many people concentrating on what they dislike, what scares them, and other general negative emotions, we’re literally bringing about our own misfortunes. We can counteract this, of course, and the way to do it is so simple, it’s mind boggling. We all get so caught up in the reasons why we can’t do things, that we forget why we can; we destroy any hope we have of accomplishing what we’ve set out to achieve the moment we let our doubts and self-judgements have a say. It’s when we concentrate on what we can do, and how to go about it, that we really begin to take the steps towards our goals. Like in all things, however, we need to take things one step at a time. In order to even think about that first step, you need to begin to think positively. Let’s explore what we can do to think more positively, together, and make those changes hand-in-hand. Continue reading…