What Are The Benefits Of Monatomic-Infused Health Supplements?

monatomic-infused heath supplements blog - monatomic orme

Monatomic elements are quite popular, but you don’t have to take a supplement that is purely one element or another. These precious metals, alchemically reduced to individual molecules, are safe to take with any other vitamin, mineral, or medication. Because of their size and safety, including monatomic elements in other supplements gives the overall formula a lot of added benefits! Continue reading…

Yoga for the Brain

The mind and body work in tandem and are equally crucial. Each day our mind and body require basic necessities to be met in order to perform our daily tasks. These daily tasks become overwhelming for everybody at some point, but there are methods of stress relief to help our mind and body relax, making these daily tasks even more do-able.  It is crucial to stay both physically and mentally healthy.  Our brain plays the primary role in controlling our ability to respond, comprehend, recognize and function.  Our brain requires exercise, rest, and relaxation- just like our how physical body exercises and recovers. There are many methods to heal the body and mind. Yoga and meditation are two of the most effective and popular methods, enjoyed by people across the globe. Continue reading…

The Chemistry of the Ancient Times


Alchemy has been practiced for at least 2,500 years and is still, reportedly, bestowing it’s health benefits. Alchemy relates to the supposed transformation of matter from one substance to another. This practice originated in Ancient Egypt, as documented in ancient recipes and writings.  Despite the high amount of alchemy’s positive medical outcomes, it is still shrouded in secret and mystery.

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Organic vs. Non-Organic Foods


With health scares running rampant it can be difficult to decide what exactly is safe to eat these days, and what isn’t. After some careful study, we’ve come up with a list of organic and non-organic foods that you may want to avoid or wash well, what’s acceptable, what’s totally safe and how you can avoid some health problems with the foods you may not be willing to give up. Continue reading…