How To Tell If Your Salt Lamp Is Fake

salt lamp fake

Himalayan salt lamps are great and have many purposes: living a healthier lifestyle, home décor, even as an environmentally friendly source of light for small rooms. Salt lamps have been known to remove harmful particles from the air, reduce static and moisture, and help sufferers of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Other effects include helping you sleep better, improving your concentration, and increasing your energy levels.


However, there is a chance the salt lamp you pick up won’t be the real deal. Be a smart shopper and educate yourself on how to spot a fake. Here are the things to look for when you’re buying a Himalayan salt lamp. Continue reading…

Himalayan Salt Lamps – Why You Need One

Salt lamp

Himalayan rock salt originates from the Himalayas over 250 million years ago.  It was formed by the pressure applied from the large mountain range on the sea. The energy that is in the salt is attributed to the pressure that was applied on them and it has about 84 nutritional elements that we need every day.

Himalayan rock salt was considered a delicacy in the past because of being exclusively saved for people of power; it was used for trading and paid as salary in some cases. This salt was also used for therapy and cures for diseases over the centuries.  People used it to dry the bronchial tubes and clear sinus cavities of bacteria. Continue reading…