In this age, so full of fear, anger and hate, it’s hard to see the positives in the current situations at hand; but it’s because of this lack of positive thought that things have gone downhill. “What you think about you bring about.” With so many people concentrating on what they dislike, what scares them, and other general negative emotions, we’re literally bringing about our own misfortunes. We can counteract this, of course, and the way to do it is so simple, it’s mind boggling. We all get so caught up in the reasons why we can’t do things, that we forget why we can; we destroy any hope we have of accomplishing what we’ve set out to achieve the moment we let our doubts and self-judgements have a say. It’s when we concentrate on what we can do, and how to go about it, that we really begin to take the steps towards our goals. Like in all things, however, we need to take things one step at a time. In order to even think about that first step, you need to begin to think positively. Let’s explore what we can do to think more positively, together, and make those changes hand-in-hand. Continue reading…