Five Steps To Ascension

A common goal for yoga and meditation practitioners is something called ascension. Ascension is stepping into a higher consciousness and accepting this new state of mind, body, and spirit. Though not everyone’s journey to ascension is the same, there are five common steps that come with raising your consciousness.

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Ormus Long-Term Effects

Monatomics are also known as M-state or Ormus materials (Ormus being an acronym for “Orbitally Rearranged Molecules of Unusual Size”). These molecules make up a surprisingly high percentage of the mass of organic matter, but when these elements are isolated to their constituent parts through alchemical processes, they exhibit incredible properties. These properties are believed to work in your body at an infinitesimal level, down into the cellular structure, helping your body do more.

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5 Ways To Keep Your Mind Refreshed

Our brains are constantly changing, whether it’s chemical or structural. Our brains tend to change when we go through an experience. The experience can be as simple as driving to the gas station or as complicated as losing a loved one. The brain changes whether it goes through daily experience or trauma. People tend to say age can play a factor in keeping your brain refreshed but at the end of the day, no matter how old you are, every brain is so unique and wired differently. It’s your job to keep your brain refreshed!

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What Is The Keto Diet

Ketogenic dieting isn’t the newest dieting trend, but it has stuck around longer than most. Why? Because it works! Simply put, the keto diet is low in carbs, high in fat, and moderate in protein to put your body through a state known as “ketosis”. Studies have proven that ketosis a healthy way to lose weight and regain control of your health, in an all-natural way!

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Rise of New Age Spirituality

The rise of the new age movement started in the late 60s – early 70s throughout the western nation and was cultured around peace, love and our own perceptions of reality.  This movement is generally about how people are all of one divine essence. There is no specific Bible, a figure of God or rules to live by. New Age is about peace, acceptance and becoming true to yourself (ego breakthrough).

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The Fireweed Learning Community – Professional Self Healing


“I believe in the richness of life, that beauty is everywhere, and that laughter is life’s sweetest creation. This belief aids me day to day in being harmonious, happy, and loving. I seek knowledge and experiences which I share with passion.” – Christine

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Maintaining Health and Wellness in 2018

women doing Yoga in the sun rise

A new year brings a lot of wild resolutions, and if you’re like 99% of the rest of humanity, you’ve probably broken every one you’ve tried to make. It might be because you’re making the wrong resolutions: you can achieve something extraordinary if the goals you set are attainable, realistic, and help your whole body. Try and picture not just the next year, but your entire life; putting things in a bigger perspective can really motivate you, but also let you approach your goals realistically.

So don’t be afraid of changing yourself! If you’re the kind of soul who takes time with their self-improvement, here are some great ways to change your lifestyle and become a more wholesome person.

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Seasonal Affective Disorder: How to Cope and Prevent It

perosn crying while leaning against a wall

As we move from summer to winter, the days get shorter. The cold weather forces us indoors, preventing us from getting fresh air and exercise. This change in routine and the amount of sunlight we’re exposed to can negatively impact our mood, and it’s commonly known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).


Despite it being most prevalent in juveniles, anyone can be affected by SAD, regardless of age or gender. But anyone affected by SAD can help overcome it using natural, holistic approaches. If one enters the early nights and colder temperatures prepared, they might even be able to prevent it! Continue reading…

What is Transcendental Meditation?

Transcendental Meditation

Transcendental Meditation is one of the most popular types of meditation, and is known for its effective nature.  It only takes 20 minutes a couple times out of your day to clear your mind and become psychologically healthier.  It’s practiced by at least 5 million people, including Ellen Degeneres, Hugh Jackman and many other famous people! It has also been discussed on TV shows (Good Morning America) and with many philosophers, physicists, and other positions.


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The Effects of Stress


Stress is a major problem in our modern society. The way we’ve structured our lives, from work to play, leads to a lot of anxiety, mental conditions, and unhealthy habits. It can overwhelm us completely, making even little things seem like insurmountable challenges.


It’s not just a mental problem – it’s a whole body problem. Here are some of the way stress can affect you, and how you can fight back against stress before it takes over your life!


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