Because of how extraordinary our product is, a question we hear a lot is “What is monatomic?” What does the name mean? For that matter, what is “ORME” and how did David Hudson come up with the term?
Because of how extraordinary our product is, a question we hear a lot is “What is monatomic?” What does the name mean? For that matter, what is “ORME” and how did David Hudson come up with the term?
2021 has seen many people rethink their health and wellness. As they become more attuned to their needs, they’ve turned to the healing power of nature and the surrounding energies to reach their goals.
Here are the top five trends we’ve seen in natural healing over the past year, all of which will have you reconsidering how you see your health, your free time, and even the food on your plate!
The torus (plural tori) represents the perfect balance of one’s dynamic energy flow. It’s a geometric shape at the root of all forms, from the smallest atom to the galaxy within which we find ourselves in the universe – and possibly beyond! How does the torus manifest itself, though? It does this as fields of energy!
David Radius Hudson is the pioneer of modern alchemy, the man who brought us monatomic elements. He connected a major discovery to the alchemists of history, and in doing so, brought many millennia’s worth of science to a present-day conclusion!
In 1975, Mr. Hudson discovered on his property something that would not just change the way we relate to gold but how we relate to all metallic elements.
Do you believe you may have “nature deficit disorder”? You’re probably not alone! Moving from homes to cars to an office building or store and back again, as well as addictions to our many screens, mean most of us – children and adults alike – are not spending enough time in nature. One way to correct that is through tree bathing.
Tree bathing is “soaking” in the calming influence of trees and nature in general. It is not exercising, hiking, or jogging in a wooded area; rather, it is being in nature, connecting to it through our senses. It can have many physical, mental, and spiritual benefits, too! But how do you do tree bathing properly?
Our diets should provide us with enough copper for bodily functions, but these days, many people don’t get what we need from the food we eat. One way is through supplements, and one of these with many reported benefits is Monatomic Copper.
Monatomic Copper is reputed to enhance the body’s use of this element, creating increased feelings of well-being and helping the body do what it’s supposed to do. Here are five of these reported benefits!
Monatomic Platinum is one of our most popular supplements, but not because it’s one of Earth’s most precious metals. When taken internally and in a monatomic form, Platinum’s power makes it more important than its material value could ever afford! Here are five benefits you may feel by taking Monatomic Platinum regularly.
Many people use the springtime to start a health cleanse. It’s a season that brings a renewed energy, and many people see it as an opportunity for growth and change – especially for our health!
A holistic spring cleanse can help people balance their hormones, revitalize their energy flow, release accumulated toxins, and get their metabolism in the best condition for the warmer months. Monatomic elements can help you with this spring cleanse – here’s how!
Carbon 60, or C60, is a molecule made up of sixty carbon atoms in a spherical shape only 1.1 nanometers in diameter. This configuration of carbon atoms gives them unique health properties, and C60 is a powerful antioxidant. However, the preparation in which you find C60 is important for helping the body use these molecules. What is the best way to take this special supplement?
Carbon 60 has a unique structure and interesting physical properties: it is chemically inert, physically inactive, and not soluble in water. But the mere existence of this molecule, where they come from, and their powerful effects on the body have long stymied scientists.
Research suggests that Carbon 60 played an important role in the creation of stars and planets, and maybe even the universe. It’s no wonder it has such strong and positive benefits on the body – but from where does Carbon 60 come?
A peaceful existence should be everyone’s objective, but it’s easy to forget about this goal among our daily challenges. While reaching this goal takes dedication and action, our five steps to a more peaceful existence are rewarding – and even fun – in and of themselves! Do them as part of your routine and you’ll find your life feeling much more peaceful, and your interactions with the world easier to manage.
Magnetism is one of the most important unseen forces in our lives, and the activity of the Earth’s magnetic field correlates with many emotional and psychological states. This field is in a constant state of flux, though, and it weakens and strengthens at different points around the world.
There is a complex relationship between monatomic elements and the Earth’s magnetic field. After going through the alchemical process, elements take on a magnetic field of their own; despite this, the large magnetic field that surrounds our planet impacts how they work in our bodies!