How Stress Affects The Body

Stress Affects The Body

At times, stress is normal but chronic stress can have a negative impact on our physical and mental health. When we experience chronic stress, our bodies go into “fight or flight” mode, which can lead to a host of problems including high blood pressure, headaches, stomach issues, and insomnia. While it’s important to find ways to manage stress in our lives, it’s also crucial to understand how it affects our bodies so that we can take steps to protect ourselves from its harmful effects. Keep reading to learn more about how stress affects the body and what you can do to minimize its impact on your health.

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Why You Might Be Feeling Tired All the Time


Do you feel like you have no energy? Are you always tired? If so, you’re not alone. Millions of people around the world feel this way. Let’s discuss some of the reasons why you might be feeling tired all the time. We will also provide some tips on how to improve your energy levels. So if you’re ready to learn more, keep reading!

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Top 5 Benefits of Using a Water Ionizer

Monatomic Water Ionizer

Water ionizers have become increasingly popular in recent years. There are many reasons why people are choosing to use water ionizers in their homes. A water ionizer has various health benefits and it’s always worth the investment. In this post, we will discuss the benefits of using a water ionizer and how it can improve your health!

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Why Should I Take Monatomic Gold

Monatomic Gold

There are many reasons why people might want to take monatomic gold. Some of the benefits include increased energy, improved mental clarity, better sleep, and a stronger immune system. Monatomic gold is also known for its anti-aging properties and can help improve overall health and well-being. If you are looking for an all-natural way to improve your health, monatomic gold may be a good option for you!

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What Is Alternative Healing?

Alternative Healing

Alternative healing has been around for centuries. It is the practice of using natural methods to heal the body instead of traditional medicine. There are many different types of alternative healing, and each one has its benefits. If you’re interested in trying alternative healing, here’s what you need to know.

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The 5 Top Trends In Natural Healing For 2021


2021 has seen many people rethink their health and wellness. As they become more attuned to their needs, they’ve turned to the healing power of nature and the surrounding energies to reach their goals.  

Here are the top five trends we’ve seen in natural healing over the past year, all of which will have you reconsidering how you see your health, your free time, and even the food on your plate!

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How To Balance Your Chakras


Our body, mind, soul and spirit are deeply connected, and much of this connection forms via the chakras. When the body is in balance, all energy flows freely through the chakras, the main energy centres of the body. When there’s an imbalance, though, you can feel it, and it could disrupt your thoughts, feelings, and ability to focus.

If you feel your chakras are out of balance, how can you realign them and maintain their strength? Here are some of the best ways.

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How Doctors Are Using the Power of Gold to Fight Cancer

Scientists are finding out the power of the elements in ways alchemists have been talking about for centuries. The power of gold – specifically its light absorption abilities, what makes it such a powerful monatomic supplement – is now being used in experimental cancer treatments. Research has been very encouraging!

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What Is The Best Way To Take C60?


Carbon 60, or C60, is a molecule made up of sixty carbon atoms in a spherical shape only 1.1 nanometers in diameter. This configuration of carbon atoms gives them unique health properties, and C60 is a powerful antioxidant. However, the preparation in which you find C60 is important for helping the body use these molecules. What is the best way to take this special supplement?

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What Does Ormus Taste Like?

As with any supplement, you may wonder what Ormus tastes like before trying it out. Monatomic Orme has a subtle and pleasant flavour, which many users will find almost undetectable. So why is there so much discussion about the taste of monatomic elements? 

Many elements have a flavour related to the process that made them; others have one that comes from the filler in which it is sold. How should Ormus taste?

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Five Steps To A More Peaceful Existence

A peaceful existence should be everyone’s objective, but it’s easy to forget about this goal among our daily challenges. While reaching this goal takes dedication and action, our five steps to a more peaceful existence are rewarding – and even fun – in and of themselves! Do them as part of your routine and you’ll find your life feeling much more peaceful, and your interactions with the world easier to manage.

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How To Quiet The Mind During The Holiday Season

quiet the mind during the holidays - monatomic orme

The holidays should be filled with joy and peace, but many of us feel stress and overexertion instead. Quieting the mind is important for relieving this stress and keeping a healthy perspective on all the demands you’ll encounter. While it can seem impossible, it’s easier than you might think!

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