Can You Take Colloidal Gold Supplements?

If you’ve heard of colloidal silver, you might have wondered if other elements could make up a similar kind of solution. You’re not wrong, because a colloidal is a liquid with particles suspended in it. Other elements can make up beneficial colloidal solutions, and this includes gold supplements.

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What Is A Universal Elixir?

A universal elixir is a substance that was long sought after by alchemists. Also called the Elixir of Life, it was supposed to cure all diseases and grant the user renewed youth. Along with turning non-precious elements into gold, discovering a universal elixir was the major quest for alchemists throughout history. 

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Five Steps To Ascension

A common goal for yoga and meditation practitioners is something called ascension. Ascension is stepping into a higher consciousness and accepting this new state of mind, body, and spirit. Though not everyone’s journey to ascension is the same, there are five common steps that come with raising your consciousness.

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Ormus Long-Term Effects

Monatomics are also known as M-state or Ormus materials (Ormus being an acronym for “Orbitally Rearranged Molecules of Unusual Size”). These molecules make up a surprisingly high percentage of the mass of organic matter, but when these elements are isolated to their constituent parts through alchemical processes, they exhibit incredible properties. These properties are believed to work in your body at an infinitesimal level, down into the cellular structure, helping your body do more.

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Did Ancient Societies Use Monatomic Metals?

ancient metals, ancient monatomics

Knowing what the ancients discovered about elements is difficult. We can decipher ancient texts, but only a fraction of what they truly knew made it to the present day. Most of what they knew wasn’t transcribed, and what was set in papyrus, stone tablets, or manuscripts either crumbled with age or was intentionally destroyed.

But we have bits and pieces that give us a look into the mind and methodology of the ancient scientists. We can trace alchemy a long, long way back, and we can see that monatomics were very important to religious and medical traditions around the world. They probably even used them in important ceremonial rites!

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Yoga for the Brain

The mind and body work in tandem and are equally crucial. Each day our mind and body require basic necessities to be met in order to perform our daily tasks. These daily tasks become overwhelming for everybody at some point, but there are methods of stress relief to help our mind and body relax, making these daily tasks even more do-able.  It is crucial to stay both physically and mentally healthy.  Our brain plays the primary role in controlling our ability to respond, comprehend, recognize and function.  Our brain requires exercise, rest, and relaxation- just like our how physical body exercises and recovers. There are many methods to heal the body and mind. Yoga and meditation are two of the most effective and popular methods, enjoyed by people across the globe. Continue reading…

Achieving Human Ascension


Our lives are full of earthly difficulties and suffering. The minds we are born with seem replete with problems – anxiety, troubled thoughts, stress, and a seeming inability to sustain happy thoughts. It seems nothing can relieve that feeling.


This line of thinking is incredibly false, and a negative byproduct of our unenlightened mind! The body and the universe around us have the energies capable of moving to a higher plane. This involves activating inner tools and energies. If you unlock these, human ascension is within your grasp. It’s within you. Continue reading…