Who Was Buckminster Fuller And What Does He Have To Do With Carbon60?

The element carbon has been widely studied because of how essential it is to all life forms. Based on the way carbon molecules link together, minuscule carbon forms can take on many different shapes. One of them is called the buckyball, though you probably know it as Carbon60

Carbon60 is a molecule made of carbon that is also called Buckminsterfullerene or fullerene, after a man named Buckminster Fuller. Who was he, and why do some people refer to C60 after his name?


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What Is The Baati Study And How Does It Relate To Carbon 60?

While getting a lot of press right now, fullerene or Carbon 60 (C60) has been on the radar of researchers since the early 1990s. The studies conducted have shown that C60 has a lot of potential in biology and medicine. Its antioxidant properties are hailed as extraordinary, and the most compelling evidence comes from something called the Baati Rat Study. How does it relate to C60?

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5 Benefits Of Carbon 60

Carbon 60 or C60 is a marvel of natural engineering. Smaller than a nanometer, this molecule consists of 60 carbon atoms (hence the name) arranged in a hollow cage of 20 hexagons and 12 pentagons. It’s often referred to as Buckminsterfullerene or a Buckyball, as it resembles a structure described by the American architect Buckminster Fuller, which had the shape of a soccer ball.

Research suggests that there are many antioxidants and neuroprotective benefits in taking Carbon 60: reducing the effects of ageing, reducing inflammation, eliminating free radicals, improving immune function, and even prolonging life!

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What Is The Best Way To Take C60?


Carbon 60, or C60, is a molecule made up of sixty carbon atoms in a spherical shape only 1.1 nanometers in diameter. This configuration of carbon atoms gives them unique health properties, and C60 is a powerful antioxidant. However, the preparation in which you find C60 is important for helping the body use these molecules. What is the best way to take this special supplement?

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Where Does Carbon 60 Come From?

Carbon 60 has a unique structure and interesting physical properties: it is chemically inert, physically inactive, and not soluble in water. But the mere existence of this molecule, where they come from, and their powerful effects on the body have long stymied scientists. 

Research suggests that Carbon 60 played an important role in the creation of stars and planets, and maybe even the universe. It’s no wonder it has such strong and positive benefits on the body – but from where does Carbon 60 come?

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