Can Monatomic Elements Enhance Your Reiki Routine?


All humans have energy fields or life forces that keep us alive. Both reiki, a Japanese form of energy healing therapy, and monatomic elements acknowledge this and work on the body in ways that manage symptoms and improve overall well-being. They might also help stimulate the body’s natural healing energies. But can elements like Monatomic Gold enhance reiki routines?


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Can Monatomic Elements Complement Your MIND Diet Plan?

mind diet plan

Are you working to improve and sustain your mind as you age? Certain Monatomic supplements may contribute to this, as can a new nutritional trend called the MIND Diet. “MIND” stands for Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay, and the big focus is on how nutrition affects the brain. Where do Monatomic elements fit into this regimen, and how can they complement your MIND Diet plan?


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