What Is A Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual awakening

What is a spiritual awakening? This is a question that many people ask themselves, and it can be difficult to define. A spiritual awakening can be described as a moment when you become aware of your connection to the divine, and experience a deep sense of peace and understanding. It can be a life-changing event that leads you on a new path of self-discovery. If you are interested in learning more about spiritual awakenings, keep reading! In this post, we will discuss what they are, and some of the signs that may indicate that you are experiencing one. Continue reading…

What Is Sacred Geometry And How Can It Help You?

Sacred Geometry


Sacred geometry is a term that is used to describe the geometric principles that are found in nature. These principles can be seen in everything from flowers to snowflakes to the human body. Sacred geometry has been used for centuries by artists, architects, and healers to create beautiful and healing works of art. In this blog post, we will explore what sacred geometry is and how you can use it to improve your life!

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Smudging? How does it work?

Smudging Feather Burning sage

Smudging? How does it work?

Smudging is a sacred tradition throughout many cultures that is used to drive away negative energy and cleanses your surroundings.  This practice is commonly used to even just “clean” the air as far as the scientific background goes. Smudging is best used for restoring balance to an individual, group or space.

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