Are you having troubles finding last minute gifts? Our line of Monatomic products are great for anyone looking to ascend to a higher level. This product can be perfect for anyone having troubles in their life or looking to reach a higher level of mental process. Monatomic ORME products are a unique gift that will stand out from your basic go-to last minute gifts! Take a look at our “Top 3 Best Sellers”!
Monatomic M3 is a carefully balanced mixture of Monatomic Rhodium (70%), Monatomic Iridium (15%), and Monatomic Gold (15%). These ratios have been calibrated to have a profoundly balancing effect on the body at a physical, mental, and spiritual level. This is because these three elements are believed to make up a large portion of the brain, more than 5%, and the supplemental intake at a monatomic level is believed to help a wide variety of brain functions.
“Body, mind, and spirit: these three are all of equal importance, and none should be neglected. Monatomic M3 is a mixture of three elements – Rhodium, Iridium, and Gold – that seeks to balance all three, improving the mental and emotional state.”
Monatomic Gold is a powerful electrical conductor that has been known to help with physical and mental energy. Balancing and calming, gold helps the truer you come out from within!The element of kings and rulers, gold represents the best in all aspects of life. But the benefits of gold are becoming more and more apparent outside the realm of wealth and status, even by the conventional medical establishment. It stems from what gold is as a material: it isn’t affected by oxygen or moisture, so it doesn’t tarnish or corrode. These positive aspects led alchemists to turn to gold and try to understand how it can affect our health and wellness. Monatomic Gold is the reduced state that allows our bodies to access these benefits and use them to improve our physical and mental well-being.
“Monatomic Gold is a powerful electrical conductor that has been known to help with physical and mental energy. Balancing and calming, gold helps the truer you come out from within!”
The ten monatomic elements combined in Balance help open the pathways in the body known as the Chakras, which helps to balance the energy flow in the body. However, Balance’s greatest benefits are sexual, and it’s the perfect supplement for any tantric practitioners, male or female. When Balance opens the Chakras, it allows Taoist or tantric practitioners to draw the sexual energy (known as ching chi) and store it in the body. This energy is known to deepen the sexual experience at a transcendental level, helping the participants achieve multiple, full-body orgasms and enhance performance.
“A mixture of ten elements, Monatomic Balance is carefully designed to help open all the Chakras at once. It’s a must for any practitioners of the tantric arts and the meditative process of Taoist Inner Alchemy.”